Friday, June 29, 2012

html, css, table, div and chairs OH MY!

Some of you may know that I am a slightly talented artist....very slightly 
and well I have been toying with the idea of putting up a webcomic for some time now, so I went ahead and started drawing pages...that was a few months now, I have enough pages to last a few months (think of it as a buffer) and well enough is enough.
I have to actually now sit down and code the darn webpage and post everything online...It has nothing to do with paganism though it has many magical elements in in.
Why am I posting this here, well I need to post a finish date somewhere so that I have someone or something other than family that is holding me to a date. So my blog is now holding me to a date...but not only a date but a schedule!

By July the 2nd I want to have the last tweeks to the cover done
By July 6th I want to have the basic overall coding done, This is taking more time than expected
By July 7th I want to have the cover page up
July 8th day of rest...that and my family will demand attention, I'll even post here to tell you how far I am along.
July 9th a contact the author page coded working on this now and even added a "extras" page
July 10th designed and drawn character page
July 11th  character page coded and up along with the first page on or before now. And a schedule made for updating. 
By July 15 I want to submit my link to topwebcomics, shouldn't be too hard because family will only demand attention for most of the day...right?

Yeah so hopefully by the 15 the page will be somewhat functional and I'll post a link to it then. I may edit this list but I should take no longer than July 25 to complete the list.

~Flaming Pagan needs a nap

OH MY GODDESS I am so behind.
this update is July the 7th and I'm seriously debating if I should just hire a coder.
What I have done is highlighted in fuchsia and what I'm stuck on is in yellow, but in all seriousness I'm almost done the basic overall coding.

And on a lighter note, the code is less likely to mess up when I'm coding in my PJ's.

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